New inspiration inundates
my life without brakes
moon perfumes, rising, in silence
they joke gracefully, enthusiastically
one hour before sunset
when the sea shows up
with silence and a great expectation
everything in blue is redecorated.
The show begins
it’s party time
gold, blue and turquoise
by seagulls by the sea
between Asia and a bit of Europe
they are reflected on the border, in harmony
giving a new dream, world hope
an exceptional journey, a natural aquarium
living every time, with love
love which is still deep
tapping to the east
the reflection of the moon, a new sparkling note
when only the full moon
in the orchestra it succeeds in dancing
Inspirații noi inundă
perpetuu viața
cu aromele lunii, ridicându-se, tăcut
se joacă suav, entuziast
cu o oră înainte de răsărit
când marea se arată
în liniște cu așteptări profunde
redecorând totul în albastru.
Spectacolul începe
e timpul pentru petrecere
auriu, albastru și turcoaz
de la pescăruși, până la mare
între Asia și Europa
se reflectă pe țărmuri, în pace
alcătuind un nou vis, speranța lumii
o zi excepțională, un acvariu natural
trăind mereu, cu dragoste
dragoste care din adâncuri
bate spre este
reflexiile lunii, o nouă notă strălucitoare
când doar luna nouă
în orchestră o succedă în dans
On a hammock of sweaty sand
at the end of the summer
from India its scent
shy, wandering
announces new stars
for that stormy soul.
Moon feet
among the marine fireflies
call of a goddess
without sun in appearance
wisdom inks
in verses of waterfalls …
Of sweaty sand
just before autumn
luminose inks
eternal youth
Pe un hamac din nisipul reavăn
la sfârșitul verii
din India parfumul său
timid, rătăcitor
anunță noi stele
pentru acel suflet furtunos.
Picioarele lunii
printre licuricii marini
chemarea unei zeițe
fără aură de soare
cerneluri de înțelepciune
în versuri de cascade…
De nisip umed
chiar înainte de toamnă
cerneluri luminoase
tinerețe eternă
The Norwegian sky
a lot of joy inspires me
colours and shades
decorate the vault to those
who watch with audacity.
From a photograph
the image of a forest
in the midst of dawn
a brush worked.
Innovative landscapes
and mirrors of wisdom
they start that dream
they follow in silence
the most secret spaces
like small sylphs
the story begins.
It is a magical experience
not to be lost forever
is the land of fairies that
you see in the eyes
of those who love poetry
Cerul norvegian
îmi inspiră multă bucurie
culori și nuanțe
decorează bolta celor
care privesc cu îndrăzneală.
Dintr-o fotografie
imaginea unei păduri
la debutul zorilor
pictați cu pensula.
Peisaje inedite
și oglinzi ale înțelepciunii
încep acel vis
urmând în tăcere
cele mai secrete spații
asemenea unor silfide mici
povestea începe.
Este o experiență magică
să nu fiu pierdut pentru totdeauna
este țara zânelor pe care
le vezi doar în ochii
celor care iubesc poezia
I saw a star
as I was listening to my heart,
I was happy and full of love.
I saw a star
as I was dreaming of your gaze
there was a new perfume
that in the waves of the sea
it sounded new melody.
A Flower was born
it reminded the snow.
I grazed that flower:
spring has blossomed!
Am văzut o stea
în timp ce îmi ascultam inima,
Eram fericit și plin de dragoste.
Am văzut o stea
în timp ce visam privirea ta
exista un parfum nou
iar în valurile mării
răsuna o nouă melodie.
S-a născut o floare
amintind de zăpadă.
am cules acea floare:
primăvara a înflorit!
Rebel and traitor
hermetic look of it
cursed by mortals,
fugitives at his signal.
Of anguish and pestilence
of intolerant loves
late at night, in the great cold
is the Mr. of Arizona.
Between Egyptians and Persians
is the moon of death
wandering with an ax
until the Nigerian Sea
in search of welcome, out of breath
in the form of an Apache.
Pendants and drums
honor the Great Chief
between dances and long verses
blesses his followers,
the poets of the night
Rebel și trădător
cu aspectul lui ermetic
blestemat de muritori,
fugari la semnalul lui.
De angoasă și ciumă
de iubiri intolerante
noaptea târziu, în frigul mare
este Dl. din Arizona.
Între egipteni și persani
este luna morții
rătăcind cu toporul
până la Marea Nigeriană
în căutarea unui bun venit, în forma
duhului unui apaș.
Pandantive și tobe
cinstiți-l pe Marele Șef
între dansuri și versuri lungi
el își binecuvântează adepții,
poeții nopții
traducere din limba engleză de Gheorghe A. Stroia
Anna is an Italian poet for peace and cultural contamination. Born in Pollena Trocchia (NA). Anna Ferriero was appointed WNWU member (member of the World Union of National Writers of Kazakhstan) by Muhammad Shanazar. Mbizo Chrasha, an African poet, described his verses as follows: ANNA FERRIERO is a brilliant poet of international fame. Her poetry is a candlelight for the body of his audience. The lines have a sparkling rhythm like a musical ensemble of guitars, tamborini and drums. The sound of his verses is like the waves of a mighty sea that sometimes become soft like the flowing tenors of a great river. Reason is abundant and verbal dexterity is conservative while maintaining its literary ability. His poetry is translated into so many languages. A very talented human being. He attended training seminars with diploma release on: THE MONTESSORI METHOD, exercise for the Childhood and Primary competition, LACTOSE INTOLERANCE IN DEVELOPMENT AGE, PSYCHOPHYSICAL WELL-BEING THROUGH CHAKRAS, DETACHMENT FROM MOTHER AND THE ATTACHMENT BOND, NUTRITION, PSYCHES EMOTIONS, WE LEARN THE DAD TOOLS AND STRATEGIES FOR SCHOOL 2.0, DRAWING EMOTIONS, THE ABA METHOD FOR AUTISM. Since May 2019 she has been appointed internationally renowned poetess and administrator of the poetry group „POETRY OF GLOBAL VISION” by the Indian poet, lawyer, translator and researcher Vendhan Ezhil. She is a member of the International Writers Association IWA Bogdani. She is a member of the poets of the Albanian magazine ATUNISPOETRY directed by the Albanian poet Agron Shele. He has published two poetry collections (Magic of Love, Punto, Oltre l’Orizzinte) and two stories (The Crypt of Desires – Shadows in the Mirror). She has won numerous national and international awards and is featured in numerous national and international magazines, radio, online newspapers, reviews. She writes for numerous Italian, national and international newspapers and magazines. His works have been translated into: Croatian, Serbian, English, Bosnian, Chinese, Palestinian Arabic, Egyptian Arabic, Syrian Arabic, Hindi, Spanish, Albanian, Hungarian, Turkish, Swedish, Norwegian, Slovenian, Russian, Romanian, French, Bengali. Since 31 August 2019 he is a member of VOCES Y PLUMAS DE UNAMOS AL MUNDO CON LA POESÍA – Centro de México en Vision Universal Radio directed by Leticia Guzmán, Cristina Gonzalez and AHdez Felipe and, from March 2021, he has become an official member of the Indian magazine YogaYatra dealing with section holistic. In November 2020 he received the Doctorate Honoris Causa from the Institutional Alliance of Creativity, Humanity and International Culture from the Kingdom of Morocco to Mexico with international headquarters in the Mexican Republic, guaranteeing the highest degree of Doctor Causa Honoris in Creativity, Humanity and Culture, recognizing his professional excellence and leadership in favor of nations for its merits, a reason for honor and prestige in contributing to education, science and culture. In May 2021 she was a guest at the Parrot Literary Corner – Episode 75. . In January 2020, her poem STRANGULATED TEARS translated into Turkish, won the first international prize at the city of Filetto – Italy. In November 2020 Anna was elected as a juror for the international literature competition WRITERS’ FESTIVAL of Cape Comorin Club – in Tamil Nadu, India. In January 2021, her poem Yakamoz translated into Turkish, won the third international prize at the first edition of the International Literary Competition Picàturi de suflet, an Italian-Romanian competition. Anna has been sworn in various national and international competitions both in Italy and abroad. Since 2019 she is a permanent member of the jury at the Prize organized by Dr. Carmela Gabriele (Rome – Italy).
– Since March 2019 he collaborates with LIBARTES, Serbian – Croatian magazine for art, culture and social affairs
– Since April 2019 he collaborates with the literary newspaper Nabokov in which he gives visibility to foreign artists
– April 2019 collaborated with the American magazine Duane’s PoeTree
– A collaboration has begun with Dragan Urošević (poet and elementary teacher at the village of the elementary school of Čungula, „Stojan Novakovic” in Blace, Serbia) in which he reviewed his poetry collection ОСТРВО ЉУБАВИ (ISLAND OF LOVE)
– Since April 2019 he has been collaborating with Хоризонт Земун, Serbian magazine directed by the Editor Dragana MILJKOVIĆ JOVANOVIĆ
– Since April 2019 he collaborates with the Arab – Syrian magazine directed by the Syrian poet Shurouk Hammoud
– From May 2019 he collaborates with 田 宇 (Devi Bosa) for the Chinese magazine „The law of my heart”
– Since August 2019 she has been collaborating with Deepty Gupta poetess, writer and professor at the University of Pune, Western India for a project on Feminism
– October 2019: interview with the Palestinian poet and artist Ali Al Ameri – Issue 12 of „Al Nasher Al Usboei” Magazine (PW Arabic), published by Sharjah Book Authority (in which he talks about her passion for poetry and dreams of his future: to give the world the art of loving and the
awareness of eloquence)
– Since March 2021 she is an official member of Global Poet and Podetry India
– Since 2018 he collaborates with the Spanish magazine Azahar
– In December 2020 she was sworn in the international competition WRITERS ‘FESTIVAL Cope Comorin Club – Tamil Nadu, India
– In January 2021 she became an honorary member for the culture of Naaman Lebanon
Some acknowledgments:
– May 2019: 51 FESTIVAL OF YOUTH POETRY (VRBAS) (51. Festival poezije mladih u Vrbasu) – ten
poems in English and translated into Serbian, were published in the rich literary anthology „Trag”.
– Since May 2019 he has been collaborating with OPAINTERNATIONAL, directed by the Indian Editor NilavroNill Shoovro
– June 2019: CERTIFICATE OF HOMOLOGATION, International Association of Izdikhan Poets and Writers (International Association of Izdikhan Poets and Writers in the Middle East) awarded by the Arab poet and writer Khalid Sheikh (الشيخ خالد).
– 2 December 2019: certificate of achievement for the dedication to culture and humanity. CRAIOVA – OCTOBER 25, 2019: certificate of achievement for dedication to culture and humanity donated by the Palestinian writer Munir Mezyed