I’m Committed
I’m committed on my promise
As I’ve owned you my soul mate
Never it can be broken practice
As I belong you my only fate
I’m committed to you one day
We’ll live together in the journey
Where will be shown celestial ray
Gathering with the nectars honey
I’m committed with my heart
Never I can forget the destiny
I can’t imazine to make you hurt
Where I want to lead in harmony.
I’m committed to get you delighted
And want to give you all happiness
We’ll fly on fairy land that noted
To embrace the rainbow’s brightness.
I’m committed with my breathe
How can I refuse it my dear
Never misunderstand and take wreathe
I’m want you fascinated to hear
I’m committed oh my dream girl
Why you ger hurt to see the external
Only God knows what kind of pearl
That’s you my love browsing Internal
I’m committed to my divine commitment
Never I can forget or cheat you baby
Don’t be turned out getting sentiment
Let you know that It’s not my hobby.
I’m committed to get you marry
And God’s willing we must be met
Don’t get puzzled and get no hurry
I’m here waiting to take you set.
Written By
Amb Dr Salah Uddin Russel
Date:23 rd December „2021